Founder - Kayla Gordine

At the heart of Āwhina Wellness, lies the harmonious convergence of gentle Movement and Live Music that captivate the mind, invigorate the body, and awaken the senses.

Using mindfulness as a central focus, Kayla facilitates an enhanced state of presence while equipping individuals with tools and practices for nurturing wellness; the embodiment of living with purpose and intention.



Ko hikurangi te maunga

Ko Waiāpu tte awa

Ko Nukutaimēmeha te waka

Ko Ngāti-porou tōku iwi

Ko te whānau o hineātua tōku hapu

Ko Tīkapa tōku marae

Ko Lisa Atkins toku whaea

Ko Kayla Jade Atkins-Gordine ahau

Inā kei te mohio koe ko wai ko, i anga mai koe i hea, kei te mohio koe. Kei te anga atu ki hea.

If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going.